Eduporium Weekly | Get To Know The micro:bit V2

In terms of its looks, the micro:bit V2 is very similar to the original micro:bit and even costs roughly the same as well. It has tons of added capabilities, however, and can bring exciting new wrinkles to coding education with the addition of a built-in speaker, a built-in microphone, and a redesigned LED matrix for creating programs. Keep reading to learn more about it!

Eduporium Weekly | Get To Know The micro:bit V2

In terms of its looks, the micro:bit V2 is very similar to the original micro:bit and even costs roughly the same as well. It has tons of added capabilities, however, and can bring exciting new wrinkles to coding education with the addition of a built-in speaker, a built-in microphone, and a redesigned LED matrix for creating programs. Keep reading to learn more about it!