Some children commonly use two other ways to get to school. Sometimes the school is close enough for students to walk from home to school. 

Here are some activities that you and your friends can do:

We have looked at some of issues that school children may face if they use the bus or train to get to school.  

  1. Make a list of some of the benefits of walking to school and back home every day. (As you make your list, think of all the exercise you can get while walking to and from school!)
  2. Make a list of some of the hazards and challenges that you would face if your school is close enough for you to walk to school! (As you make your list, remember that you and the other children who go to your school are not the only ones on the roads and sidewalks)!
  3. Make a list of some of the things you would love to see or you think should be done to make walking to school safer for children.
  4. Look around your neighborhood and identify some of the good things that exist that would make walking to school in your neighborhood safe.
  5. Then look around and identify some of the not so good things that exist in your neighborhood that would make walking to school difficult or unsafe.
  6. Do you think your neighborhood is a positive place for children to walk?
  7. Find out whom you should contact in your neighborhood whose responsibility it is for making the area safer for children to walk to school. Ask your teacher to help you in this project.
  8. Write them a nice letter asking about making your neighborhood safer to walk. In your letter, offer suggestions on how the neighborhood may be made safer for children to walk.

There is one more common way that school children go to school besides a motor vehicle, or a train or by walking. We will look at this way next time.