
creating innovative education opportunities for students

  1. Rising Resources | The Educandy Studio App

    Rising Resources | The Educandy Studio App

    Educandy is an online review tool children can use to master key concepts and prepare for exams. It is geared towards younger kids, making it one of the best digital review tools for elementary students. Using the very simple software, teachers can create review games in just minutes—with steps as easy as inputting questions and answers—then the platform does the rest.

  2. EdTech And Social-Emotional Learning

    EdTech And Social-Emotional Learning

    With classroom SEL practices come key opportunities for students to learn some of the most significant social-emotional skills for the future, including self-awareness, goal setting, and social awareness. And, if more educators learn to seamlessly integrate EdTech tools in SEL instruction, they can help to unlock new benefits and expand how SEL impacts kids’ development.

  3. Eduporium Weekly | Helping All Students Find Passion For STEM

    Eduporium Weekly | Helping All Students Find Passion For STEM

    Despite this prominent presence in the real world and elements of STEM in so many of today’s most lucrative careers, not every K–12 student pursues it. More importantly, many students lose almost all interest in STEM before they even reach middle school. So, in a lot of cases, educators have to be proactive to reach kids while they’re in the K–5 grades. So, how can they?

  4. Rising Resources | Edpuzzle And Video Learning

    Rising Resources | Edpuzzle And Video Learning

    Edpuzzle is a versatile tool that educators can leverage to engage students with videos that resonate with them and enhance their learning. Essentially, with Edpuzzle, teachers could add video into their instruction and integrate it in a unique way—by directly adding their own points, insights, questions, or relevant bits of information for students to interact with as they watch.

  5. Eduporium Weekly | Strategies For Effective PBL Instruction

    Eduporium Weekly | Strategies For Effective PBL Instruction

    Project-based learning, as you might know, is a quite effective approach to instruction that’s often tied to increased community involvement and active collaboration among students. So, we’re exploring what may help teachers get PBL right, tips for implementing successful projects, and ideas for how to best leverage EdTech tools to generate ideal results.

  6. Eduporium Weekly | Defining And Developing Digital Literacy

    Eduporium Weekly | Defining And Developing Digital Literacy

    There are so many types of literacies that we’ll now associate with student development—from some basic financial and media literacy skills up to, of course, their digital literacy. Each one of these literacies have become very important in today’s world and, among them, digital literacy remains one of the most crucial fluencies that your students can develop.

  7. Eduporium Weekly | Culturally Responsive Teaching

    Eduporium Weekly | Culturally Responsive Teaching

    We now have so many unique teaching styles and strategies for effectively communicating curricular content to your kids, including teacher-centered, student-centered, self-paced, competency-based, and even inquiry-based models among others. Then, there is culturally responsive teaching, which involves shifting instruction and language for kids from different cultures.

  8. Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness

    Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness

    Career readiness can mean any number of different things—especially as it pertains to today’s education landscape. As you know, students may move on to college, attend trade schools, or begin working right after completing high school. Thanks to career and technical education programs, however, many students can learn viable skills and quickly begin a relevant career.

  9. Rising Resources | The Quizlet Live Assessment Game

    Rising Resources | The Quizlet Live Assessment Game

    Quizlet Live is a collaborative classroom game that your students can play together from their own devices. They could use it in the same classrooms or when studying from home—perfect for accommodating review efforts at all different times. To get started with Quizlet Live, teachers can just create a Quizlet account and they’ll get a Quizlet Live code to share with kids.

  10. Eduporium Weekly | Figuring Out The Achievement Gap

    Eduporium Weekly | Figuring Out The Achievement Gap

    When we talk about achievement gaps in education, we’re usually referring to measurable variance in achievements among students from different but often inherent groups. These include gaps in grades, attendance, and even soft skills development, and how not having truly equitable opportunities is affecting them. Moving forward, preventing and shrinking said gaps is key.

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