Educational Technology

the top educational technology tools for teachers

  1. Eduporium Weekly | All In On Top OER Tools in Education?

    Eduporium Weekly | All In On Top OER Tools in Education?

    If you haven’t given much thought to trying Open Educational Resources in education or maybe aren’t quite sure what exactly they are, the time is now for you to explore some basics of them! OERs are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media for teaching, learning, and assessing your students as well as for research—and they’re all available for download.

  2. The New York City Mayor’s Plan To Better Lives Using EdTech

    The New York City Mayor’s Plan To Better Lives Using EdTech

    Mayor de Blasio stated that, in an effort to ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop skills needed not only to succeed in the workforce of the future, but even to enter and succeed within New York City’s rapidly growing technology sector, every school in the city will be required to offer computer science courses to students—regardless of their age.

  3. Eduporium Weekly | Welcome To 2016 And New Opportunities

    Eduporium Weekly | Welcome To 2016 And New Opportunities

    Our world is changing—something that’s readily apparent to a lot of us but others are often shocked by just how much employees throughout today’s workforce need technology and rely on a super specific set of skills. So, as early on as elementary school, teachers are now exposing their students to basic coding in STEM classes and kids, generally, respond favorably to it.

  4. Eduporium Weekly | Why Schools Need Technology

    Eduporium Weekly | Why Schools Need Technology

    One way to introduce students to STEM is to make it fun while they learn key skills through active interaction. Digital curricula are a great idea, especially if you can learn from educators who have initiated similar journeys. There are so many projects and fun activities students can do right in the classroom or take home for collaboration outside school.

  5. Eduporium Weekly | Tech To Be Thankful For

    Eduporium Weekly | Tech To Be Thankful For

    Here’s some helpful hints for your reading pleasure. The programming demand—whether for up-and-coming drones or some yet-to-be-established field—is likely to be booming. By programming robots in school, students are able to discover if they have an interest or skills for any of these tech-related careers and learn valuable skills anyway.

  6. Eduporium Weekly | Just When IS Back To School Time?

    Eduporium Weekly | Just When IS Back To School Time?

    It’s just about that time again—the exhilaration (for teachers) and the dreading (for students) of going back to school. Or is it time yet? Have you ever wondered if every child in the world starts school on the same day or, if they don’t, how long have they already been in class? Well, the answer is that not everyone starts school at the exact same time.

  7. Eduporium Weekly | Movies In The Sky

    Eduporium Weekly | Movies In The Sky

    Just because it’s summer, doesn’t mean the EdTech field is on vacation! Check out some of the coolest happenings in the tech world from this week, including a plane projecting a video onto a cloud! You may be used to hearing about the Cloud, especially if you’re immersed in the EdTech world but they made news for a different reason this week.

  8. Raising The Grade: It's An A+ for ALEKS

    Raising The Grade: It's An A+ for ALEKS

    It stands for Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Space. ALEKS is an assessment and learning system that is completely Web-based. It uses effective questioning to gauge a student’s skills and accurately tells me what they’ve mastered, what they haven’t mastered, and what they’re ready to learn next.

  9. Intro to Audio Editing for Students: Part One

    Intro to Audio Editing for Students: Part One

    From something as quiet as a whisper, to as loud as a concert; sound is everywhere. As many technologies have advanced our capacity to record and edit video, so have audio technologies advanced as well. News articles are now turning into audio edited podcasts; new tools have been created to modify beats and soundtracks.

  10. App on Track: Discover Animals with Classify It

    App on Track: Discover Animals with Classify It

    Think you know what poison ivy and a firefly have in common? How about some of the ways a dolphin and a goldfish are different? Classify It! Is a new game from AAAS Science NetLinks, to test your Kids knowledge of how various organisms can be sorted and grouped. Your kids will play through the game’s 30 levels to earn special Creature Cards.

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