It may be time to upgrade your school's space with something a bit more STEM-focused and exciting. In fact, it probably is. As the new school year begins, we're making it easier than ever for educators to implement 3D printer labs in their schools and we've got the research to back up their value. 

3D printers are an emerging technology that provide students with the opportunity to perfect their skills as they use powerful technology to design, shape, and create tangible objects they can use to solve problems in their school, home, or community. There are many different 3D printers on the market, however, and, since some are quite expensive, it can be pretty difficult for school leaders to commit to adding them to their classrooms. 

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At Eduporium, we've partnered with some of the leading educational 3D printer brands, including MakerBot, Lulzbot, FlashForge, MOD-t, and XYZ and, in many cases, we're able to offer lower pricing than you can get anywhere else. Plus, with our Educator Discount, you can get up to 20% off any of your EdTech orders. Since we're able to cut the costs, we're seeing a rise in the popularity of 3D printer labs (not just one printer) in schools as educators look for the best ways to innovate and prepare their students. 

We'll help you every step of the way with model selection, price reduction, and we'll even answer your technical questions. Every school needs a 3D printer lab these days and every student will benefit from designing innovative objects using innovative tech that preps them for the real world. 

The bottom line is that if you want to bring 3D printing into your school, there's a way for you to do it. We always hear teachers and principals shying away from trying something new because they fear the costs and the return on their investment. We can work with all educators to ensure that neither of those stand in the way of them providing students with the education they deserve and need. Click below to give it a try.