
creating innovative education opportunities for students

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Putting a Focus on Career Readiness

    Eduporium Weekly | Putting a Focus on Career Readiness

    While it’s tough to determine how much of each should be in this balance, it seems pretty clear that a combination of STEM skills and soft skills will vastly benefit today’s students once they enter the workforce. Even though many of tomorrow’s careers have not yet been invented or evolved yet, we have a pretty good idea of how to prepare kids for them.

  2. Eduporium Weekly | Teacher Blogs to Make you Laugh

    Eduporium Weekly | Teacher Blogs to Make you Laugh

    This week, we’re taking the Eduporium Weekly in a slightly different direction and highlighting some of the best teacher blog posts that we’ve seen in the last year or two. We’re lucky to have (kind of) become a part of a fantastic online teacher community and love all of the content on sites like We Are Teachers, Edutopia, and more.

  3. Rising Resources | You for Youth + Professional Learning

    Rising Resources | You for Youth + Professional Learning

    This week as part of our Rising Resources blog, we’re introducing you to the highly teacher-oriented site, You for Youth. This website was created for educators to discover the resources and gain the knowledge they need to manage their 21st CCLC (century community learning center) program and make it the best after school experience possible.

  4. Eduporium Weekly | Possibilities Surrounding Future Jobs

    Eduporium Weekly | Possibilities Surrounding Future Jobs

    We talked about a lot of these skills in last week’s Eduporium Weekly and now we are going to be discussing some of the ways they might be put to use. Jobs of the future could range anywhere from drone pilot to virtual reality creator. We simply don’t know what exactly lies ahead, but can do some things to help prepare students for anything.

  5. Rising Resources | Tes Teach With Blendspace

    Rising Resources | Tes Teach With Blendspace

    This week, we’re highlighting Tes Teach—formerly known as Blendspace. This online STEM resource is a great way for teachers to improve upon their in-class activities and it’s awesome for creating highly engaging learning environments. To learn more about Tes Teach and some of the best ways to use it in the classroom, click to keep reading!

  6. Rising Resources | Funbrain + Math Learning

    Rising Resources | Funbrain + Math Learning

    In this edition of Rising Resources, we’re taking a deeper look into the mathematics and technology resource known as Funbrain. This resource is ideal for parents and educators who want to foster a positive relationship between students and educational gaming. It offers lots of hands-on learning through interactive gameplay and more!

  7. We've Been Named One of the Top 100 Brands in STEM!

    We've Been Named One of the Top 100 Brands in STEM!

    Every year, online analytics company, Onalytica, releases many different reports detailing who the top social media influencers are in certain areas. They recently released their report on STEM for July 2017-July 2018 and we’re excited to be a part of the Top 100 Brands in STEM! Not only did we crack the top 100, we’re No. 4!

  8. Eduporium Weekly | Wondering About Wearables in Education?

    Eduporium Weekly | Wondering About Wearables in Education?

    While not necessarily brand new, wearable technology is demonstrating it can play a viable role in creating or enriching 21st century learning experiences for students. Whether it’s virtual reality headsets or other tech tools, it’s no longer unheard of to use wearables in education. Read on to learn more about some of the most popular ones.

  9. Eduporium Weekly | K–12 Charter Schools And Their Importance

    Eduporium Weekly | K–12 Charter Schools And Their Importance

    Charter schools are becoming really popular alternatives among parents all across the country. Once thought of as a sure thing, now parents often find it to be a struggle to get their kids enrolled due to the high demand they’ve generated. It’s easy to see why charter schools are now so popular—these educators are doing great things for kids and offering peace of mind.

  10. Eduporium Weekly | Inventing as a Part of Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Inventing as a Part of Education

    When students are given the freedom to invent unheard of solutions to problems and go about solving them in unique ways, they’re building a foundation for the future. A lot of the tools we’ll use in the next decade or two haven’t been invented yet. Most likely, a student somewhere in a K-12 school is going to be responsible for an invention eventually.