Okay! Throwback Thursday! Need to find something interesting from the past to share with you all. I've been planning to write a post on file extensions, and also to finish the little experiment of non-Google internet search, but neither of those really fit the theme of today, do they?

Here's an idea. You see that category list to the right side of this blog? Well, the one called "Here and Now" is usually dedicated to posts relevant to the day they are published on, such as "Pi Day" and other "holidays", as well as current events. What if I looked up today in history? Then I could find something to share with you!

The trusty search engine's first suggestion was the website of the History Channel called "This Day in History." Lots of ideas here, under different topics like Literary, Sports, Automotive, General Interest and more. So, shall it be "Galileo in Rome for the Inquisition (1633)", "William and Mary proclaimed joint sovereigns of Britain (1689)", or "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon gets 10 Oscar Nominations (2001)"? Actually, I think the resource itself says it all. Excellent summaries for each topic, enough detail that you could then keep looking things up and poking around for hours, good exposure to subjects you might be unfamiliar with, and fabulous preparation for your next Trivia game. Happy Throwback Thursday!