Virtual Reality is the newest buzzword—in education, in commercialization, and just in general. That’s why we’re hosting a FREE event next week for people to try out the best VR viewers on the market. Whether you’ve experienced VR before or not, you’ve no doubt heard about its amazing capabilities. To step into a virtual reality experience is to transport yourself to a whole new world—you can become as small as an atom or fly as far away as the farthest planet in our solar system. We have the technology to literally make the world our oyster. 

Today, I took a look at one of the VR products we offer in the Eduporium store, the View-Master. If you were born before 2000, you might be thinking to yourself, “hold on, don’t I know that name from somewhere?” You do! The View-Master product has been around since the 1930s, long before we formed our modern view of virtual reality. It started out as a toy you’ve probably seen somewhere along the line—a little headset viewer with a circular disc full of pictures. All you need to do is insert the pictures, click the button on the side, and view stunning vistas and scenes in 3D! It was incredibly advanced for its time, and now that we are moving into a digital age where virtual reality is redefined, the View-Master has evolved to keep up with the times.

Nowadays, virtual reality can be as complex or as simple as you want. VR products span the line from the simple Unofficial Cardboard headset to the incredibly advanced gaming experience of the Oculus Rift. When we think about using VR in education, there are two main concerns: 1) how do we make sure we get the most educational value out of the experience without getting sidetracked? And, 2) how can we use VR to deliver a rich, rewarding experience to every student on a reasonable budget? Thankfully, the View-Master sits right in the sweet spot for addressing both of these concerns.

The View-Master is a VR platform that, like other, less expensive options (including the VR One relies on a smartphone to complete the experience. Simply download a VR app to your smartphone, plug it in to the View-Master, and away you go! Of course, with so many apps to choose from, how do you make sure you’re giving your students an app that will be both fun and educational? View-Master has you covered. 

They carry a range of apps and associated materials that, like the rotary discs of old, come fully equipped to take users on an immersive and thoroughly educational trip. My favorite? National Geographic: Dinosaurs! This app empowers kids explore the world of the dinosaurs, study dino skeletons from every possible angle, and learn new facts about everyone’s favorite ancient creature. They can even play an interactive mini survival game, in which they hunt for food and avoid being caught by carnivorous predators! I know I say this almost every week, but I would have loved to play something like this when I was a kid!

In my opinion, the View-Master’s approach to VR is pretty amazing. They took their tried-and-true concept from the 1930s and built on it to modernize the way their product is enjoyed today, bridging the gap between generations and keeping their mission the same. Especially in K-12 classrooms, the View-Master is an easy solution to transport viewers of all ages on educational journeys to places they could not be able to otherwise explore. I would eagerly recommend this VR system for any student, young or old and encourage teachers to try this medium if they want to illuminate new angles and give students an exciting learning experience!

If you have a product you’d like to see featured on the Eduporium Experiment, let us know! Send us a message on Twitter or Facebook. Look out for next week’s Eduporium Experiment featuring the cutting-edge Samsung Gear VR! And, remember to sign up for our hands-on VR workshop coming up on April 13.