
adding inventing opportunities in school makerspaces

  1. Eduporium Weekly | The Makings Of Modern Maker Education

    Eduporium Weekly | The Makings Of Modern Maker Education

    MakerEd includes everything from informal constructive play with everyday objects, glue, and tape to large-scale 3D printing or sometimes even some digital fabrication. Modern makerspaces have become a popular place for creative-minded students to show off their making skills and inventiveness and thousands of educators have now built in-house areas for making.

  2. Eduporium Experiment | Makey Makey GO

    Eduporium Experiment | Makey Makey GO

    Our culture empowers everyone to think outside the box, engineer, innovate, and grow. ‘Why be tied down to one place when I could be inventing in my own backyard?’ Joy Labz, creators of one of the original and most popular maker tools (the Makey Makey), has come up with an ingenious solution to this very problem: The Makey Makey GO!

  3. Eduporium Experiment | littleBits cloudBit Starter Kit

    Eduporium Experiment | littleBits cloudBit Starter Kit

    Kids these days pick up on technology fast—like, really fast. Thankfully, there are tools like the littleBits cloudBit Starter Kit that take the concepts they have learned from previous experiences and add a new twist. In this case, the cloudBit enables children to continue making, building and customizing classic littleBits projects, but with a brand new component.

  4. Eduporium Experiment | littleBits Gizmos & Gadgets Kit

    Eduporium Experiment | littleBits Gizmos & Gadgets Kit

    Want to build your own Top Secret Spy Box? Bubble-blowing bot? If you answered yes, then you need to get your hands on the littleBits Gizmos and Gadgets Kit! Designed for kids 8 and up and filled to the brim with LEGO-like, electronic building blocks, this kit will spark your child’s imagination and guarantee endless opportunities for inventing.

  5. Eduporium Experiment | LightUp Edison Kit

    Eduporium Experiment | LightUp Edison Kit

    Circuitry is all about connecting and closing circuits and the LightUp Edison Kit is the perfect way to teach the basis by combining learning with project-based fun. Using intuitive magnetic attachments, children can experience the fun of building circuits while simultaneously engrossing themselves in a real-life STEM lesson!

  6. 100 Girls of Code Group Explores Makey Makey

    100 Girls of Code Group Explores Makey Makey

    They couldn’t wait to get started and rushed to open the boxes we had received from Eduporium—an educator’s dream for one-stop shopping and the latest STEM classroom technology! We must say that some of the facilitators entered the Makey Makey activity with some trepidation, however, most were curious and excited to explore the possibilities!

  7. Eduporium Experiment | littleBits Base Kit

    Eduporium Experiment | littleBits Base Kit

    There’s a rising popularity, thanks to the Maker Movement and the increasing importance of STEM education, for educational toys. One of the best for engaging young learners while promoting creativity is littleBits—an electronic version of LEGO. Despite its intimidating appearance, littleBits is actually really simple to use.

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