Eduporium Blog

  1. Tips & Tricks | The SAM Labs STEAM Kit

    Tips & Tricks | The SAM Labs STEAM Kit

    When using the SAM Labs kits in your classroom, the wireless setup helps make everything easier to integrate. With the SAM Labs projects, students can apply logic, reasoning, design thinking, and computational thinking as they build inventions and, not only are they great for coding in elementary school, each kit is also great for makerspaces and afterschool activities.

  2. Webinar: Catch Our RobotLAB VR Expeditions 2.0 Replay

    Webinar: Catch Our RobotLAB VR Expeditions 2.0 Replay

    In the webinar, we joined RobotLAB’s VP of Business Development, Cedric Vaudel, who guided the audience through a demo of using RobotLAB’s VR systems, content, and hardware. He began with explaining how their team utilized feedback from educators for designing this final product, including some very specific, education-focused upgrades. Watch the replay inside!

  3. Eduporium Weekly | Top Virtual CS Tools For Students In 2023

    Eduporium Weekly | Top Virtual CS Tools For Students In 2023

    Many robotics tools also have virtual options, which help allow students to continue learning and programming while they’re at home or perhaps after school. In fact, many of those platforms often help improve accessibility of technology by removing the need for a physical robot, increasing equity in multiple ways. So, read on for our recommendations for virtual CS tools.

  4. 5 Things To Add To Your School Makerspace Supply List

    5 Things To Add To Your School Makerspace Supply List

    You might hear this a lot, but almost every school makerspace may feature unique learning and building materials. Because makerspaces are found all throughout the K–12 grades (and even college), an elementary makerspace will often look a whole lot different than one you’ll see in a high school. So, using the right supplies at the right times makes a significant difference.

  5. Using Virtual Reality Systems In Education

    Using Virtual Reality Systems In Education

    AR and VR both unlock unique angles for learning that, along with effective integration, can enhance student learning experiences. They can also bring concepts to life with stunning visual displays and, once these physical and digital worlds intersect, students can gain context that supports instruction and even potentially reaches them on more of an emotional level.

  6. Student Mental Health And Their Screen Time

    Student Mental Health And Their Screen Time

    While other pandemic-induced issues, like inequity, isolation, relationships, and SEL have been crucial focal areas, the effects of too much screen time on their daily development have also caught up with many students. As we continue to hone in on student mental health concerns, it’s often important for parents and educators to keep digital wellbeing in focus for kids.

  7. Eduporium Experiment | Marty The Robot V2

    Eduporium Experiment | Marty The Robot V2

    The Marty V2 is ideal for students in Grades K-8 since they can easily build their bots themselves. This helps teachers incorporate in-class engineering experiences as well as enabling children to better connect their heads and hands throughout that building process. Once it is built, students can then explore opportunities for different types of coding with this compact robot.

  8. Eduporium Weekly | Pros And Cons Of Esports In Schools

    Eduporium Weekly | Pros And Cons Of Esports In Schools

    Aside from the likely guarantee that both parents and administrators will be skeptical, there could be a handful of possible issues with starting a school esports program. Ultimately, however, there truly are a long list of positives associated with interscholastic esports, like students building career skills, becoming part of a community, and fostering new relationships with peers.

  9. Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: Our Black Founder’s Path In STEM

    Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: Our Black Founder’s Path In STEM

    Eduporium’s co-founder, president, and CEO, Richard Fredkin, never really had what many tech executives would consider as a traditional start in the industry. That’s fine with him, however, since he’s found himself in a place that not too many other Black men have found themselves: in the leading role at a technology company. Learn more about his unique start inside.

  10. The Importance Of MakerEd And The Role Of School Librarians

    The Importance Of MakerEd And The Role Of School Librarians

    As the Maker Movement continues to influence early education, K–12, and even higher education, many times, it is school librarians who’ve helped to create these hands-on STEAM experiences. So, we’ve compiled this white paper with tips on leveraging library environments in designing unique and active lessons, measuring success in school makerspaces, and more.

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