
eduporium STEM grant for teachers

Educators, especially those ones teaching any STEAM and technology classes, rely greatly on grant opportunities to acquire new instructional tools. For that reason, we provide two monthly tech grants in the amount of $500 each. Every month, we open up these opportunities to teachers from all around the United States. Any educator is eligible to apply, including classroom teachers, administrators, librarians, afterschool leaders, makerspace facilitators, and everybody in between. To help educators advance their STEM programs and initiatives, recipients can choose to use the award money on any items from our store. Fortunately, many EdTech and STEAM solutions from top manufacturers fit into the $500 window. And, if any awardees have their hearts set on something more costly, they can pay the difference. After all, the goal of this program is to get innovative tech tools in the hands of more students.
Educators can apply for these grant awards starting on the first day of the calendar month. The application will remain open for 20 days and it closes on the 20th of each month. We will notify the recipient of each grant award by the final business day of each month and send out an email announcement to our subscriber base as well. Recipients will then receive their grant materials in accordance with lead times on the products they request. These products can include anything from any category of our store. We encourage applicants to put thought and care into their application and to have an idea of which products they'll request upon selection. These may include robotics or coding kits, educational drones, makerspace supplies, or anything else on our store. Please contact our team with questions about the grant and also forward the application to anyone else in your school.

  1. Vote for Eduporium in FedEx's Small Business Grant Contest

    Vote for Eduporium in FedEx's Small Business Grant Contest

    In order to receive one of the prizes after voting comes to a close next month, we need votes! If you would like to take 30 seconds to vote for us, increasing our chances of being able to quickly improve our supply chain management and order fulfillment services, you can vote for Eduporium! Find all the info and link to vote inside.

  2. January Grant: Congratulations to Kern Kelley from Maine!

    January Grant: Congratulations to Kern Kelley from Maine!

    We’re excited to be able to present another dedicated educator with an EdTech grant. For the month of January, we’ve selected Kern Kelley, a middle school teacher from RSU 19 in Newport, Maine as the recipient! Among all of the submissions we received, Kern’s stood out to us due to the connections to the spirit of the Maker Movement.

  3. We Have an Announcement: The Recipient of November's Grant!

    We Have an Announcement: The Recipient of November's Grant!

    For the month of November, we’ve awarded the grant to Jason Kissel, who works with students and teachers at over 30 schools! Jason is the Tech Liaison from the South-Western City School District in Grove City, Ohio and he is responsible for helping teachers at the district’s 32 schools integrate new tech into their instruction.

  4. Eduporium Featured Educator: Laura Luker

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Laura Luker

    As we do at the beginning of every month, we’re highlighting the work of an innovative educator who has consistently used EdTech to empower his or her students with enhanced learning experiences. This month, we’re featuring Laura Luker, a teacher from Massachusetts, who was one of the educators to receive our EdTech grant in the past year.

  5. Eduporium Featured Educator: Victoria Blackmer

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Victoria Blackmer

    This month, we’re featuring Victoria Blackmer, who’s a public librarian from Illinois, who’s been using some EdTech solutions that she received through our grant program to host open tinker labs to inspire all the students in her community to experiment and be creative. Read more to learn about these open tinker labs she’s helped create and what makes them great!

  6. Our EdTech Grant For August Has Been Handed Out!

    Our EdTech Grant For August Has Been Handed Out!

    This month’s award goes to Kimberly Eure, a middle school teacher at John F Kennedy Middle School in Suffolk, VA! Kimberly is dedicated to helping her “quirky” students find books they love and applied for our grant in hopes that technology might be able to play a role in that! Read on to learn more about what Kimberly has planned.

  7. Eduporium EdTech Grant: And, The Winner For May Is...

    Eduporium EdTech Grant: And, The Winner For May Is...

    The month of May is just about over and that means we have selected another recipient of our monthly $500 EdTech grant. This month’s awardee is Renee Wells, a STEAM teacher at Zephyr Lane Elementary School in Bakersfield, California! Renee and her students have a very intriguing project planned and one that should definitely inspire everyone.

  8. Eduporium Featured Educator: Nikki Lavergne

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Nikki Lavergne

    We’re excited to introduce our community to anothe “Eduporium Featured Educator.” This month, we’re featuring Nikki Lavergne, an instructional technology facilitator from Louisiana, who led an amazing repurposing of a school bus into a STEAM space! Keep reading to learn more about Nikki and this amazing project!

  9. Our January Grant Recipient: Martha Lanaghen & MakerBolder

    Our January Grant Recipient: Martha Lanaghen & MakerBolder

    Since we launched our grant program, we’ve received many excellent proposals and have learned a ton about the creative projects educators have in mind! With that, the latest recipient of our grant is no exception and we’re excited to introduce January’s awardee, Martha Lanaghen from MakerBolder, an afterschool organization in Colorado!

  10. Meet the Recipient of our September EdTech Grant!

    Meet the Recipient of our September EdTech Grant!

    We have another EdTech grant awardee! We’re pleased to announce the recipient of September’s $500 EdTech grant is Scott Donnelly from Carnegie Elementary School in Carnegie, PA! Scott is committed to creating a true 21st century classroom for his students and will soon be able to add some Ozobot kits into the mix thanks to his award!

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